Still from "A Warning to the Curious" aired 1972 BBC Ghost Story for Christmas
Today is the honoring day of the guardian goddess of Albion, Brittania, amongst other things. March 24th also marked New Years Eve before the Gregorian Calender was put in place. It is also St Gabriel's Day and thus a good day to invoke 'The Prince of Fire' if you are looking or waiting for good news..or just for some ebay item in the post.
The curious proverbist and folklorist Vincent Stuckley Lean died today in 1899. Following are some of his pearls of wisdom from his five volume 'Collectanea':
You may choke a dog with a pudding.A turd is as good as a pancake to a sow.
Almost every system of superstition in order to be rightly understood should be (if I may so speak) read backwards... Whately Errors of Romanism Essay IV